I pulled the boat out of the water in April just after Colin was born. It was a good time to tackle this project since Millie's parents were staying with us at the time to help. A typical haulout entails sanding and repainting the bottom, waxing the topsides, servicing the prop, and lubricating the thru-hulls. I hadn't hauled the boat in the 6 years I've owned it so I wasn't exactly sure what I'd find and how much work was needed, but I gave myself a week to do the work and get the boat back in the water. I thought this would be enough time if I worked all day. And, the fact that the yard rates doubled after 10 days provided the motivation to get it done quickly.
The hull looked pretty good at first look. The old bottom paint held up well. It seemed my routine dives to clean the hull kept most of the large growth away. I was thinking I'd need a couple days to sand off what was left of the old paint and then start rolling on the new paint -- no problem. But after a day on the sander the job suddenly became much more bleak. There must have been six coats of old paint on the hull which should have been removed before recoating at some point in the past. Unfortunately, the layers just kept accumulating; and the perfectionist in me just couldn't leave it all there to be painted over again. So, with some much needed assistance from my brothers we geared up and attacked the old paint with air-powered sanders and garden hoses, leaving a sea of blue in our wake.

There isn't anything that time and money can't fix. That seems to be my mantra now when it comes to boat work.
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